Vermiculite Insulation Removal in Racine, WI

Vermiculite removal in Racine, WI

Racine has a lot of homes with vermiculite insulation in the attic. Almost all vermiculite insulation contains asbestos and can only be handled by a licensed asbestos abatement company. We recently removed and replaced asbestos containing vermiculite insulation from a home on Gillen St. in Racine, WI. This 1,050 sf

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Preventing Moisture and Mold in Attics

Attic Mold

Attic moisture can lead to mold and ruin the roof decking. In some cases it can cause health problems for the home’s occupants. Attic ventilation is often recommended as the solution to preventing moisture buildup in an attic, but that is BAD advice. There is very little ventilation of attics

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Vermiculite Removal in Pewaukee, WI

Vermiculite removal in Pewaukee

Pewaukee has a lot of homes with vermiculite insulation in the attic. We recently removed and replaced asbestos containing vermiculite from a home on Prospect Avenue in Pewaukee, WI. This 1,500 sf attic was complicated and had vermiculite mainly at the perimter, but it was also scattered above some old

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Vermiculite Insulation: To Remove or Not

vermiculite insulation disturbed in an attic

Vermiculite insulation was a common type of attic insulation that was sold from the late 1920s up until the EPA shut down the Zonolite vermiculite mine in Libby Montana in 1990. The Zonolite mine, then owned by W.R. Grace, was responsible for 80% of the world’s vermiculite, and vermiculite insulation

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RHI and Focus on Energy, a Winning Combination

Get $1,200 to $1,800 back instantly! Start saving money today with an energy assessment and instant discounts. Wisconsin’s Focus on Energy program offers instant discounts for air sealing and adding insulation. Racine Home Insulators, LLC (RHI) complies with this program and uses only the best materials and methods. RHI has

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Vermiculite Removal Checklist – Know the Law

All contractors in Wisconsin disturbing vermiculite in attics or walls must: 1) Be a licensed asbestos abatement company in Wisconsin – this is required by the Wisconsin Department of Health Services 2) Allow only trained and Wisconsin certified “asbestos supervisors” to perform the work 3) Obtain a Special Waste Profile and

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